
Caoife Garvey is an Irish textile artist and designer currently living in New Brunswick, Canada. She specialises in weaving and felting techniques and works primarily with natural fibres such as linen, paper and wool, though she also enjoys being resourceful with whatever materials are at her disposal.

Caoife is drawn to the world of fine craft and sees value in creating objects that are at the same time beautiful, functional and durable. Being a craftsperson allows one to factor sustainability into the design of a piece from the very beginning by being thoughtful about the materials and techniques used in its construction. She also sees an important place for textiles in the visual arts and likes to use textile techniques to create art pieces that tell a story or engage with an idea.

Caoife Garvey is a recent graduate of the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NBCCD) in Fredericton, New Brunswick. She now works at NBCCD as an instructor in both the Foundation Visual Arts and Textile Design programmes. Her work has been shown in group exhibitions around New Brunswick, and in 2020 she was the recipient of the Charlotte Glencross Scholarship offered to an artist who is progressing in their professional development.