Exhibition: Fibre Art Network

May 2022

Fredericton’s Fibre Art Network has a group exhibition opening this week at Sunbury Shores in Saint Andrews, NB, and I’m excited to be part of it. The opening reception is Friday May 6th 2022, 5-7pm.

Fibre Art Network : Refocus on Fibre Art

Through these challenging times and search for higher meaning in a post-lockdown world, these artists put their energies into exploring new possibilities in their respective fibre art practices and created works beyond the utilitarian. In their effort to integrate non-traditional materials into their rugs, quilts, felts and sculptures, they attempt to communicate dreams, movement, and colour to deal with the reality of our lives. In some ways, these fibre artists express this through the search for beauty in nature and comfort in textured forms.



News: Featured in Fiber Art Now Magazine